Amahi for iOS in action. Check out these screenshots of the Amahi iOS app on an iPad watching movies, reading books, browsing pictures and more! Getting Started. To get going with Amahi for iOS, you need an Amahi 6 or Amahi 7 HDA, then. Install the Amahi Anywhere app in your HDA; Download the Amahi for iOS app and run it in your device

Jun 22, 2020 · Objective. Develop and test installation of Amahi 12, based on Fedora 32 for the next Amahi release. Download Fedora 32. Minimal CD (Netinstall) - Fedora-Server-netinst-x86_64-32-1.6.iso Boot the installation machine from the Fedora installation DVD; Follow the instructions to install Fedora per the screenshots below. If you prefer details, visit this very detailed guide for Linux novices; Use the defaults to install Fedora in graphical mode. Use DHCP for the install process, unless you know you really need a static IP for install. Jun 18, 2018 · The Amahi project prides itself on making installation easy, the UI simple, and operations easy to understand. In this article, we’ll go over how to install Amahi 10 and set up a complete Linux NAS with it. I came across Amahi – a Fedora based “home digital assistant” that transforms your ordinary Fedora install into a full fledged home server. This server was a little more technical to set up than a Windows Home Server would be, but it was free, and it works perfectly with my iMac. An Amahi install code, which you get by signing up for an account at The install code is the key that will link your Amahi sever (called an HDA) to Amahi's own centralized web services. Jul 25, 2011 · Step 3: Install Amahi. Once you have your iso file burned to a CD, put your spare hard drive into the temporary desktop you are going to do the installation with. The install is going to erase anything on the spare hard drive as well as any other hard drives plugged into the system. So make sure you only have the hard drive you want plugged in.

This application requires that you have an Amahi server (otherwise known as HDA for "Home Digital Assistant") running in your network[1]. Amahi is an app that easily allows you to stream, view and access the files in your Amahi server. Amahi runs on your device and can access your server's files without a VPN. Amahi does not require VPN.

Dec 09, 2017 · Amahi is an app that easily allows you to stream and access the files in your Amahi server. This app is Chromecast-enabled. Amahi runs on your device and can access your server's files without a VPN. This application requires that you have an Amahi server (otherwise known as HDA for "Home Digital Assistant")[1]. Amahi does not require VPN and all it requires is the corresponding Amahi Anywhere The Amahi Platform is a web-based app that allows management of users, shares, apps, networking and other settings in a Linux-based PC, VM or ARM-based system. The Amahi Platform is part of Amahi and supports the services provided by Amahi. Contributing. Contributions are always welcome! Here's what you need to do to get the Amahi platform

Near the end of the install, you will be prompted to enter the install code for this system. You should have an install code for this system from your registration in the Amahi web site. Make sure the networking settings you previously set for this system in the Amahi Control Panel match what you have in your network.

Amahi is a media, home and app server software known for its easy-to-use user interface. Amahi has the best media, backup and web apps for small networks. Amahi Home Server Alternatives and Similar Software OpenMediaVault. OpenMediaVault is the next generation network attached storage (NAS) solution …